Our New Logo

About the New Logo & Artist

We have a new logo we are so excited to share!

We received many incredible entries to our recent logo competition. The selection committee had a difficult task! Together, the committee reviewed anonymous designs and after careful consideration and discussion, we arrived at two designs – the Anchor and the Open Clam Shell, both created by Danika Naccarella!

The Anchor is a great design that aligns with our marina and business and the Open Clam Shell highlights and represents our traditional use of the area at Ḵ̓wax̱wa̱lawadi and the shell midden adjacent to the marina, connecting to Kwikwasut’inuxw ways of life since time immemorial.


Complementary Design, Open Clam Shell

About the Artist – Danika Naccarella

Danika Naccarella was born in Vancouver, BC in 1997. She is Nuxalk from Bella Coola on her mother’s side and has bloodline to the Gwa’sala-Nakwaxda’xw Nation. Naccarella started Northwest Coast art in 2010 when she moved to her home community. After high school graduation she enrolled at the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, taking the First Nations Fine Arts Program. Danika enjoys painting with acrylic mediums on birch wood canvases. After learning the basics of Northwest Coast carving in the Freda Diesing program from her instructors Dempsey Bob, Stan Bevan, Ken McNeil, and Dean Heron, she is now studying her Nuxalk and Gwasala cultures’ style of carving, and history of her ancestors.  Learning from carvers from her home community.

“Keep learning and always strive for perfection.”


Read Danika’s Full Bio Here


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