Fog lifting in the Burdwoods

We like it when you contact us!

We can be reached by mail, VHF radio, or telephone but the most reliable way to contact us is to fill out the email form below, hit send and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. Typically, that will be within a day or two. If you cannot access the form, please email and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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Reliable but very slow:

Ḵ̓wax̱wa̱lawadi Echo Bay
c/o General Delivery
Simoom Sound, BC
V0P 1S0

Very reliable but you need to be within range:

Channel 66A
“Echo Bay Marina”

Least reliable but sometimes it does work:


We’re a bit remote

Thanks for contacting us! It may take a day or two for us to get back to you because Internet and telephone access can sometimes be spotty here at Echo Bay – after all, we are a long way from the nearest plug-in!

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